Human Rights First to Release Study on Illegal Methods Used to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects

WASHINGTON, DC – On the eve of the next round of military tribunal hearings for suspected terrorists currently incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay, Human Rights First will release a new report detailing how the ongoing military tribunal proceedings are flawed, ignore deeply held principles of due process, and jeopardize the successful prosecution of terrorist suspects.

During a teleconference on Monday, March 10, at 12:00 noon EDT, Kevin Lanigan, Human Rights First’s Director for Law & Security and Deborah Colson, Human Rights First’s Senior Associate for Law & Security, will discuss why the report — Tortured Justice: Using Coerced Evidence to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects–emphasizes that terrorist suspects should be tried by courts-martial or in federal criminal court.

Human Rights First’s report includes case studies of six Guantanamo detainees who allege abuse by U.S. government interrogators. This Tuesday, military tribunals at Guantanamo Bay will reconvene for two cases involving juvenile suspects, including a procedural hearing for Omar Khadr, whose case is one of the six cases discussed in depth in Human Right First’s report.

The report also includes a chart identifying 60 other suspects currently detained at Guantanamo who also allege abuse, alongside the names of those who may have implicated them and those they, in turn, may have implicated. The chart creates a stark visual representation of the cross pollination of coerced evidence that now threatens to undermine the United States ability to successfully prosecute terrorist suspects.

Who: Kevin Lanigan, Director for Law & Security, Human Rights First


Deborah Colson, Senior Associate for Law & Security, Human Rights First


What: Release of Human Rights First’s report entitled, “Tortured JusticeUsing Coerced Evidence to Prosecute Terrorist Suspects,” and teleconference on the next round of military tribunal hearings for suspected terrorists currently incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay.


When: Monday, March 10, 2008 – 12:00 noon, Eastern Daylight Time


Teleconference Call-In Numbers:


Phone Number: (785) 830-7975 Participant (International)

Phone Number: (800) 909-5202 Participant

Pass code: 6546488


Published on March 7, 2008


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