Media Advisory: Somali Women’s Rights Activist Wins Roger Baldwin Award

New York, NY – Hawa Aden Mohamed will receive the 2008 Roger N. Baldwin Medal of Liberty Award presented by Human Rights First in honor of her work to improve conditions for Somali women and girls at a reception at 6:30 pm Tuesday, May 13th, held in a private home on the Upper East Side of New York City. Mohamed has dedicated her life to advancing the health and education of Somali women and girls, to providing both emergency and long-term assistance to internally-displaced Somali families, and to abolishing the practice of female genital mutilation. Ms. Mohamed began her work over three decades ago by founding the Refugee Women’s Relief and Development Center. Currently, Mohamed serves as the Executive Director of the Galkayo Education Center for Peace and Development (GECPD), a community-based organization in the Puntland area of Somalia. Since it’s founding in 1999, GECPD operates primary and vocational education programs for impoverished, displaced, and minority women and girls and works within communities to promote women’s rights, including combating the grave problems of gender-based violence and female genital mutilation. Named in honor of the principal founder of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the award is presented by Human Rights First every other year to a human rights organization or activist outside of the United States that has made a distinguished contribution to the protection and promotion of human rights. In alternate years the ACLU selects a U.S.-based winner. Media coverage is welcome. Where: Private home in NYC – contact Krista Minteer for address When: May 13th, 2008; 6:30 – 8:30 pm Who: Human Rights First and the 2008 Roger N. Baldwin Medal of Liberty Award Committee


Published on May 9, 2008


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